The body stores fat in many areas as energy and insulation. The liver is made up of some fat, but if the amount of fat in the liver is too high, it may be a sign of fatty liver disease. Accumulation of fat in the liver is called fatty liver. In the normal state, there is fat in the liver, but if this amount of fat exceeds 5 or 10% of the total weight of the liver, a person becomes susceptible to fatty liver disease.
Fatty liver is a treatable disease, but sometimes it can have dangerous effects and complications. Fatty liver usually has no symptoms and does not cause permanent and irreversible damage.
There are two types of fatty liver disease: alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease may also occur in women due to pregnancy. Fatty liver disease damages the liver, this disease can be the result of many diseases or bad nutritional diets in the body.
Accumulation of fat in liver cells can lead to inflammation of these cells. Consumption of some drugs, obesity or overweight, inactivity and consumption of alcoholic beverages lead to fatty liver. When the liver is unable to perform its functions effectively (due to fatty liver disease), it puts a person at risk for other problems throughout the body. Primary treatment for fatty liver disease involves changes in diet and exercise, although some people may see a gastroenterologist and liver specialist for further treatment.
Fatty liver treatment diet
One of the main ways to treat fatty liver disease, regardless of its type, is through diet. As the name suggests, fatty liver disease means that you have too much fat in your liver. In a healthy body, the liver helps eliminate toxins and produces the digestive protein bile. Fatty liver disease damages the liver and prevents it from working normally. In general, the fatty liver treatment diet includes the following:
Lots of fruits and vegetables
High fiber plants such as legumes and whole grains
Minimal amount of sugar, salt, trans fat, refined carbohydrates and saturated fat
No alcohol
A low-fat, low-calorie diet can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of fatty liver disease. Ideally, if you are overweight, you should lose at least 10% of your body weight.
Allowed foods in the fatty liver treatment diet
Fatty liver treatment diet includes different types of foods. Reducing calories and eating more fiber and natural foods is a good starting point to begin treating fatty liver. Eating foods that contain complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein can help the body to have full energy. Foods that reduce inflammation or help the body reduce inflammation are also important.
Some people follow a specific diet plan, such as a vegetarian diet or a Mediterranean diet. A dietitian can often help a person develop a fatty liver treatment diet plan that’s right for their tastes, symptoms, and health status.
In addition to the basic guidelines and specific diets, there are also specific foods that may be beneficial for people with fatty liver disease, you can follow a fatty liver treatment diet by including them in your diet. Among the foods and plants included in the fatty liver diet, the following can be mentioned:
Fatty liver treatment diet
Garlic is one of the most important fatty liver treatment diets and may be beneficial for people with fatty liver disease. Medical studies have shown that garlic powder supplements help to reduce weight and body fat in people with fatty liver disease.
Eating a variety of vegetables is beneficial for fatty liver disease, but broccoli is one vegetable that one should consider including in their diet. Long-term consumption of broccoli prevents the increase of fat in the liver.
Green tea
Using green tea for medicinal purposes is a method that has been going on for thousands of years. Green tea helps reduce body fat and blood fat. Antioxidant levels in green tea may also be beneficial for reducing inflammation in the body and liver.
Fatty liver treatment diet
Fatty liver in the last stages of the disease does not have a complete treatment and only the progression of the disease can be prevented. Consumption of saturated fat causes problems for liver function. On the other hand, the internal organs of the body need good and unsaturated fats so that they can receive and absorb the necessary minerals and vitamins.
Peanuts contain high amounts of unsaturated fats that are beneficial for the health of the body, which do not harm the liver and vital organs of the body. The effect of peanuts on weight loss is amazing. Patients with a slimming diet containing peanuts and reducing the amount of harmful body fat can reduce the pressure on the liver and facilitate the treatment process.
Groud is rich in omega-3 and its inclusion in the diet for treating fatty liver is necessary and necessary. Studies show that eating walnuts improves liver function improvements in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.