If you have ever exercised on an empty stomach, you have seen that as soon as your heart rate rises, your eyes go black and you may even pass out. On the other hand, if you’ve eaten just moments before exercising, you’re likely to experience severe nausea. So, as an athlete, you should be somewhere between these two situations and look for energy-giving foods before exercise.
What is the best food to eat before exercise and when is the right time to eat is a question that arises for most athletes. Fortunately, sports experts have prepared a list of pre-workout energy foods that you can safely consume.
Dates are very rich in carbohydrates, sugar, minerals and potassium. For this reason, it is very valuable among bodybuilders. Humans need 9 milligrams of iron every day, which is 3 to 5 milligrams per 100 grams of dates. By eating a few dates a day, the iron needed by the body is supplied. Iron restores and builds red blood cells; eating Kurma Mazafati Green Diamond is a cure for anemia.
Nutrition before exercise
Before you get to know the energy foods before exercise, we must first answer the question of whether you should eat before exercise and if you should, what is the appropriate amount? Whether or not you should eat before exercising depends on the type of exercise, the time of day, and how your body reacts to the food you plan to eat.
In most cases, you should eat before exercising; But if it’s morning and you want to go for a light walk, you definitely won’t need the same energy you need in the afternoon for a gym workout.
The time interval between eating and exercising
This time interval should neither be too short nor too long. According to experts, you should eat between 30 minutes and three hours before training. If you want to eat a lighter meal, you can make it closer to the start of the workout, and if you want to eat a heavier meal, make it further away from the start of the workout.
No matter what your meal is, you should always leave at least 30 minutes between your last bite and the start of your workout to allow the intense stomach activity to calm down. Exercising immediately after eating can lead to nausea.
Important points in pre-workout nutrition
The key to preparing pre-workout energy meals is to look for foods that are easy to digest and high in carbohydrates and low in protein and fat. Although most athletes avoid carbohydrates; But sports experts remind us that they are actually the nutrients that give athletes the most energy, especially before training.
Muscles use adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as energy to exercise. Carbohydrates, protein and fat can be converted into ATP. However, carbohydrates are readily available and this conversion is more easily accomplished. Additionally, carbohydrates are the only fuel that can be used anaerobically, or without oxygen, making them the primary fuel source for high-intensity exercise.
Consuming protein in pre-workout energy foods is also valuable because it helps repair and build muscle while also providing satiety.